Friday, November 26, 2010

Being a parent is hard sometimes...

Because sometimes, you have to say "no no" to this face...

But being the Mommy to this face, and meeting this little boy's needs is so easy. Being the one he turns to when he is afraid or hurt or needs something, the one he can trust and reach up to knowing that he will get picked up and loved beyond all measure. That part of being a parent is effortless.

Check out K and his little girlfriend here.


Marcus Lane said...

ahhh!! he is so awesome. love the updates

your mom gets perms said...

callie, im so into your geniusness of motherhoodness. you are the best person, but you've probably put a spell on me to make me say that! i miss you!! and klein, and love yjou.

The 'Smarty Pants' Family said...

oh he is such a cutie!